We accelerate to pass the chaos
Speed up the fantasia
We got beats to the faster famous

Samba'n'bass さぁ comin' now
Samba'n'bass 사- comin' now
Samba'n'bass 자- comin' now

搖らす ground drum'n'bass sound で踊りだしな amigos
유라스 ground drum'n'bass sound 데오도리다시나 amigos
흔들어 ground drum'n'bass sound 로춤을춰봐 amigos

鳴り出す brand new のナンバ- we ride on the samba carnival
나리다스 brand new 노남바- we ride on the samba carnival
울리기시작하는 brand new 의 no. we ride on the samba carnival

So whatcha sain' now?

We got a samba's delightt
Meets the drum'n'bass sound now

屆け最速の samba carnival
토도케사이소쿠노 samba carnival
전해져최고속의 samba carnival

暮らす Asia そう onetime brazia
쿠라스 Asia 소- onetime brazia
살고있는 Asia 그래 onetime brazia

踊れ倍速のナンバ- burnin' now
오도레바이소쿠노남바- burnin' now
춤을춰배속의 no. burnin' now

搖らす massive そう fun time come in now
유라스 massive 소- fun time come in now
흔들어 massive 그래 fun time come in now

ここでほら音樂をそう鳴らしてさぁ carnival
코코데호라온가쿠오소-나라시테사- carnival
여기서자음악을이렇게울려 carnival


Hung up the fire so hung up the fire

流れ出る peace and emotion 肌で得る beats evolution
나가레데루 peace and emotion 하다데에루 beats evolution
흘러나오는 peace and emotion 피부로얻는 beats evolution

輕快なステップ鳴らして we're going
케-카이나스텟푸나라시테 we're going
경쾌한 step 울리며 we're going


世界を搖らすくらいの未開のプランを導いた sound
세카이오유라스쿠라이노미카이노프란오미치비이타 sound
세상을흔들정도의미개의 plan 을이끈 sound

世界を搖らすくらいの未開のプランを導いた samba
세카이오유라스쿠라이노미카이노프란오미치비이타 samba
세상을흔들정도의미개의 plan 을이끈 samba

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