受話器の向こうから 聞こえる君の声
쥬와키노 무코-카라 키코에루 키미노코에
수화기 저편에서 들려오는 네 목소리
やさしく届く 静かにゆっくり過ぎる夜
야사시쿠토도쿠 시즈카니윳쿠리스기루요루
부드럽게 들려와, 조용히 천천히 지나가는 밤에
今この時にも 深い悲しみの波紋が、
이마코노도키니모 후카이카나시미노하몬가
지금 이 순간에도 깊은 슬픔의 파문이
わかってるけれど 汚してきた足跡でしょ
와캇테루케레도 요고시테키다아시아토데쇼
알고는 있지만 더럽혀 온 발자국이지
The mind is always set to drive and reach for higher things
Rememeber the days just to forget the days,
날들은 그저 지나가
Let's give it all back, walk a new track
移り変わる 次の世界へ
우츠리카와루 츠기노세카이에
변해가 다음 세상으로
Don't ya want to see it?
A beautiful morning, 扉開いて。
A beautiful morning, 토비라히라이테
A beautiful morning, 문을 열고
Now give it all back walk a new track,
Live a new day, 未来の子供たちへ
Live a new day, 미라이노코도모타치에
Live a new day, 미래의 아이들에게
美しい朝を この世界へ。
우츠쿠시이아사오 코노세카이에
아름다운 아침을 이 세상에
How many times we've told the tale,
Our parts are played right on T.V.
C'mon and change the channel please,
I don't care to ever watch this scene again,
fast forward to the end, or play the first part again
키노-마데노코토 켓시테와스레나이데
어제까지의 일들 절대로 잊지 말아줘
Lay down just for a while,
I'm thinking it's such a small price to pay
The mind is set on overdrive to reach for higher things
Remember the days don't ya forget to change,
Our whole lives will live on through time
Let's give it all back, walk a new track
移り変わる 次の世界へ
우츠리카와루 츠기노세카이에
변해가 다음 세상으로
Don't ya want to see it?
A beautiful morning, 扉開いて。
A beautiful morning, 토비라히라이테
A beautiful morning, 문을 열고
Now give it all back walk a new track,
Live a new day, 未来の子供たちへ
Live a new day, 미라이노코도모타치에
Live a new day, 미래의 아이들에게
美しい朝を この世界へ。
우츠쿠시이아사오 코노세카이에
아름다운 아침을 이 세상에
Tick tock the clock has lost it's time,
Nobody's got to worry now,
The night's sublime like fireworks
Oh no no!
All at close range and,
Gatta be changin',
"Cause something is happenin",
Let's give it all back, walk a new track give and you take
Everybody's holding down. Don't ya want to see it?
A beautiful morning, is right out your doorway
Now give it all back, walk a new track, live a new day
Your kids are going to recall from now,
Whatever you were thinking about,
Your time is closing in
Let's give it all back, walk a new track give and you take
Your time is closing in